Contact Hotline : 603-5565-2828 |
Welcome to Tamico Bell Holdings Sdn Bhd's Web site,
The IT revolution has brought about enormous changes in all
sphere of human civilization, including of course the way we conduct business
activities. In the 21st century,
e-commerce will account for major part of trade, measuring itself
in terms of millions of dollars. Therefore, businessmen have to
reorientate their mindset to explore opportunities made available by electronic
As we usher in the threshold of the new millennium, we are certainly
delighted to start venturing into the virtual world. In launching this simple
website, we hope to meet the new need and demands of our valued customers. The journey of thousand miles starts
with a small step forward, said one wise man thousand years ago. We may be a
late starter, but it is better late than never.
Lastly, I like to thank you for visiting our web site,
and happily look forward to serving your needs and providing you with best value
for money products and after sale services.
Message by Tamico Bell Holdings Managing Director

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No: 847503-A).
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This website is best viewed by 1024 x 768 pixels. Last updated:25/01/2013
I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. Therefore, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do. |
Tamico Bell's Showroom
Glenmarie - Head Quarter
No. 16, Jalan Pendaftar U1/54,
Temasya Industrial Park U1,
40150 Shah Alam, Selangor D.E.
TEL: 603-5565 2828
FAX: 603-5569 6333
Email: sales@tamicosystems.com |
No. 5 Jalan MP16,
Taman Merdeka Permai,
Batu Berendam,
75350 Melaka.
TEL: 606-334 2626
FAX: 606-334 3626
Email: henry@tamicosystems.com |
Tamico Bell (Cambodia) Ltd
#116E1, Russian Federation Boulevard (st. 110),
Sangkat Teuk Laak 1,
Khan Tour Kork,
Phnom Penh,
TEL: 023 999 919
FAX: 023 999 916
Email: lwchong@tamicobell.com
Visit Tamico Bell Cambodia Website